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Guided solutions Software
for Asthma and COPD
Different patient needs? Guided solutions

Respiratory diseases are amongst the greatest causes of death and disability. They are often mis-diagnosed or not treated with disease management guidelines which can be overlooked in busy clinical practice.

By getting it right the first time, our decision support software solutions help guide healthcare practitioners through patient consultations without the need for specialist respiratory knowledge, resulting in improved healthcare outcomes and potential large financial savings to the NHS.

LungHealth guided consultation
5.4 million people are currently diagnosed with asthma in the UK
Every 10 seconds someone has an asthma attack

5.4 million people are currently diagnosed with asthma in the UK. More people have a diagnosis of asthma than all other lung diseases combined.

Statistics from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) indicate an increase of more than 33% in the number of deaths from asthma attacks over the last decade, yet plentiful evidence shows that around 75% of these deaths could have been prevented with simple improvements in clinical practice: recognition of severity and risk status, better use of corticosteroids, increased patient education, and improved routine management and follow-up.

Our Software Is Quick, Lean, and Focused.

Guided Consultation

LungHealth software provides a full, consistent, algorithm-guided consultation in line with current guidelines used to deliver both face-to-face AND remote patient review. It prompts clinicians to consider guidelines during patient reviews as they make patient care decisions.

Accurate Diagnosis

Our software has been extensively validated in studies and provides an effective safety-net against misdiagnosis, prompting the user to consider potential co-morbidities and to tailor treatment according to their patient’s individual disease severity and symptoms.

Improved Lives

By achieving accurate diagnoses and appropriate guideline management, LungHealth software allows practices to help their patients achieve optimal disease control and quality of life.

Our Asthma software incorporates embedded algorithms based on BTS/SIGN standards, to prompt and guide clinicians throughout a comprehensive consultation, aiding diagnosis and management (our drugs library is updated quarterly, and guidelines updated within 3 months of publication).

Dr Biswajit Chakrabarti, Consultant Respiratory Physician

Software Features

Drive local prescribing policy by flagging patients who are not on locality recommended drugs

Implementation of NICE/GOLD/BTS/SIGN guidelines for Asthma and COPD

Hosted within the NHS HSCN Secure System

Generates a consultation summary which can be given to the patient

LungHealth’s software can be used remotely to support
telephone or video consultations


Our software is linked directly to the GP clinical system, allowing previous consultations and diagnostic processes to be reviewed and any outstanding actions followed-up