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Welcome to NSHI
National Services for Health Improvement (NSHI Ltd.) are an independent specialist service provider committed to delivering improved patient outcomes through both in-practice and remote health care services.


Our nursing services, along with the use of innovative, cutting-edge healthcare technology allow us to assist and support healthcare communities in implementing NHS strategies, effectively, efficiently and with improved outcomes.
Expert Care Delivered

We are on a mission to deliver improved patient outcomes through optimal service design and consistent implementation. Our Healthcare Technology and Nursing Services assist healthcare communities in implementing NHS strategies effectively, resulting in improved outcomes and potential cost savings.

Improved Patient Outcomes 100%
Optimal Service Design 100%
Consistent Implementation 100%
Nursing Services

NSHI Specialist Nurses deliver face-to-face and remote patient reviews, following current guidelines. We focus on the following areas:

  • Respiratory
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular (CVD)
  • Neurology (Migraine/Headache)
Innovative Healthcare Technology

We partner with specialist technology providers to deliver expert care and support through innovative, cutting-edge technology.

  • Guided Consultation Software
  • Patient Diagnostics
  • Risk Stratification
Education & Training

The NSHI Academy supports Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) develop their clinical skills to improve healthcare delivery. Our courses cover:

  • Spirometry
  • Asthma
  • COPD
About Us
Working in partnership 

Our guided consultation software has been developed by incorporating feedback from Clinical Leads for Sleep Medicine, Respiratory Consultants, Sleep Physiologists, Respiratory Nurses and Commissioners of NHS Services.

SleepHealth Solutions

We offer a comprehensive sleep consultation designed to diagnose sleep conditions and recommend treatments help improve sleep.

LungHealth Software

LungHealth software provides a full, consistent, algorithm-guided consultation in line with current guidelines.