National Services for Health Improvement (NSHI) Ltd are an independent service provider committed to delivering both in-practice and remote health care services that make a real difference to patients.
There are more people in the UK with asthma than all other lung diseases combined. Using LungHealth’s intelligent Guided Consultation software, clinicians at any skill level, can tailor the management of asthma to the individual patient and improve outcomes
Over 25% of people on the COPD QOF register have an incorrect diagnosis. Using unique algorithms, LungHealth’s Guided Consultation software can support clinicians to reduce mis-diagnosis and improve patient management.
Recent evidence suggests that 85% of people with OSA in the UK are undiagnosed. The Sleep Guided Consultation was launched in 2020 and facilitates the assessment of sleep disordered breathing, and in particular of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA).
Not just technology! Expert services and knowledge to deliver measurable outcomes. To truly make a difference requires effective technology, people and management. Our people are motivated by the need to improve patient outcomes.